So, it seems that it's been a few months since I have posted on my blog & that is kinda sad, I think. I have not abandoned jewelry-making, it's just that sometimes life and stuff get in the way. If only I could add a few more days to the weekends! Well, thanks to my mentor at the salon, I kind of have- I'm only working now Tuesday through Friday, which has taken some serious adjustment, but I'm finally getting to a point of being disciplined enough to actually get some sleep, as well as work on important things on Mondays! Yay!
Anywho, I'm trying to make jewelry-making and posting to the blog a weekly priority, as I could really use some extra financial support with the apprenticeship budget. I know who my Provider is, so I trust that He will take care of it all, but I'd be lying if I told you that the balance in my checking account right now is freaking me out. Seriously. Like no security there...
I'm asking that you tell your friends & family about me, about my jewelry, and my story- God is up to something BIG here & I want to tell everyone- What an adventure this has been since July of last year & the Lord working everything out for me to begin learning a trade that will not only take me places, but will allow me to meet people in so many different walks of life whom I can minister to. Already, I pray over our guests when I'm shampooing their hair and what a cool thing that legally I can be all up in their personal space like that- laying on hands & praying! (whether they know it, want it, or not! haha)
My prayer for myself daily is that God would continue to mold me into a usable vessel, that I would be in constant communion with Him, and that He would guide my hands and my mind to understand and do well the tasks before me in learning to cut & style hair- that my work would honor Him & bring Him glory, no matter what it is I set my hands to do. Join me?